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Update RichGeoCreater file to create RICH geometry v25a

Simon Neuhaus requested to merge s.neuhaus/cbmroot:mergerequestbranch into master

Changes from geometry v24a to v25a:

  • Redesign of the mirror holders
    • Replace old MirrorSupportBelts by new MirrorFixing which looks like the CAD model and the prototype
  • Add a small plate at end of mirror support studs to fit the weight
  • Fixing all overlaps in the geometry
  • Fixing newly discovered bug in implementation of exit window
    • change of geometry hierarchy at exit window
    • similar change at entrance window to avoid potential of similar bug
  • Additionally small changes (small regarding physics impact)
    • changes in the volume hierarchy to reduce the depth
    • changes in code of creator file to make it more efficient
    • replacing some hard coded numbers by variables
    • replacing double definitions of same volumes by copying


  • Directly write (dummy) translation TGeoTranslation into geo file using macro/rich/create_rich_geo.C
Edited by Martin Beyer

Merge request reports
