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Online qa manager

Sergei Zharko requested to merge s.zharko/cbmroot:online-qa-manager into master

The idea of the new approach is to keep a single instance of the qa::Data. The qa::Data class keeps the histograms (H1D, H2D, Prof1D, Prof2D) on the cbmreco side and provides histogram initialization and sending to the histogram server. The update allows to manage the process of histograms initialization and sending as single zmq message outside a particular QA task.

The CA tracking online QA was moved on the new framework (as an example).

Also a bugfix(@p.-a.loizeau, please take a look): replacement of Algo with AlgoOffline library in the histogram server app in order to fix double free or corruption after finishing the application.

Edited by Sergei Zharko

Merge request reports
