[Bug fix] mCBM: Update of /macro/beamtime/mcbm2022/mcbm_event_reco_L1.C
In this merge request, several bugs in the mcbm_event_reco_L1.C macro are fixed:
- Previously, the CBM module activation scheme did not work properly: the requests of disabling the modules, which are originally enabled by the setup, were ignored. In the merge request it is fixed.
- Enumeration entry of kCbmRecoEvent is out-dated. It was replaced with ECbmRecoMode::EventByEvent.
- The Enumeration CbmStsSensorClass is not accessible from ROOT macros any more, thus the CbmStsParSensor instantiation with the parameter CbmStsSensorClass::kDssdStereo was replaced with the call of the default constructor, where this enumeration entry is set by default.
---- Update: Changes from the point 3 seems not to be applied, thus only the points 1 and 2 are addressed now.
Edited by Sergei Zharko