Add mcbm2022 TOF v21k_mcbm geometry with Norbert fix
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In case you committed a new geometry:
Ran the scripts for materials and radiation length check on my new geometry file? (and read carefully the output of course) bash ci_scripts/ <path>/<file>.geo.root
Added also the corresponding creation macro? -
Checked that the geometry does not contains unexpected overlaps, e.g. either at end of the creation macro or with the something similar to the mCBM macro
Fix and replace !252 (closed), will need corresponding parameter file MR (probably only symlink to the 21j
one as only shifts applied here)
For @e.clerkin:
=> Guilty test module box shifted by 500 micron away (removes overlap with main stack box)
=> Add creation macro
=> Make the root file reproducible (+ corresponding macro change)