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Implement first FSD geometries

Lukas Chlad requested to merge l.chlad/cbmroot_geometry:fsd_dev into master

With the goal to implement FSD for OCT23 release, see more details , geometries of the new detector are needed.

There are two necessary creation macros (and one purely for developer testing):

  1. create_fsdgeo_firstRealistic.C - generates FSD made from 3 different sizes of modules with hole in the middle for beampipe
  2. create_fsdgeo_testModules.C - just for quick visualisation of modules

There are provided multiple FSD geometries: fsd_v23[e-h] - were generated with create_fsdgeo_firstRealistic.C and corresponds to beampipe files pipe_v21[e-h]

Edited by Lukas Chlad

Merge request reports
